Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behavior which is expected of all Massena Minor Hockey Association (“MMHA”) members and participants, including but not limited to all players, guardians, parents, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, committee members, convenors, team managers, trainers and administrators involved in MMHA activities and events. 

The MMHA is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members and participants of the MMHA shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of the MMHA which include fairness, integrity and mutual respect.

During the course of all MMHA activities and events, members shall avoid behavior which brings the MMHA or the sport of hockey into disrepute, including but not limited to abusive use of alcohol, use of non-medical drugs and use of alcohol by minors. MMHA members and participants shall at all times adhere to the MMHA operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing MMHA events and activities, and to rules and regulations governing any competitions in which the member participates on behalf of the MMHA.

Members of the MMHA shall refrain from comments or behaviors, which are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, behavior, which constitutes harassment, abuse or bullying, will not be tolerated.

Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, in accordance with the MMHA Code of Conduct Policies & Procedures, including but not limited to, the loss or suspension of certain or all privileges connected with the respective Member Association in the MMHA including the opportunity to participate in the MMHA and its’ Member Association activities and events, both present and future.

Zero Tolerance Policy

USA Hockey is committed to creating a safe and fair environment for all participants. Respect for the game, the opponents, coaches and officials are a critical part of the environment that is created. This Zero Tolerance Policy summarizes required actions to be taken when violations occur.

All players, coaches, officials, team officials and administrators and parents/spectators are required to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey sanctioned games. Thus, the following points of emphasis must be implemented by all USA Hockey participants and spectators.


Players Shall:

  • Play for fun, work hard to improve skills, be a team player and get along with teammates.
  • Demonstrate teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline.
  • Be on time for practices and games, learn and abide by the rules, and always be a good sport.
  • Respect coaches, managers, officials, teammates, parents and opponents.
  • Agree to act in accordance with all regulations set forth in the Code of Conduct and the objectives of MMHA, as well as the rules of USA Hockey.

Players Shall Not:

  • Argue with coaches or officials.
  • Taunt or ridicule players, coaches, or officials.
  • Engage in, or support others who are engaging in bullying, threats, harassment, or hazing their own teammates towards players on another team.
  • Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language.
  • Use illegal drugs or alcohol.
  • Use cell phones in the locker room, unless in case of emergency.
  • Use recording equipment in the locker rooms of any rink at any time. This includes cameras, video cameras, cell phones, or any other media collecting device.
  • Deliberately try to injure another player.
  • Make any intentional physical contact with the body, puck, stick, or equipment of another player after the whistle or buzzer has sounded.
  • Engage in or incite fighting or abusive physical contact while participating in any MMHA event (e.g.,practice, game, tournament, special event).

Disciplinary Action for Players:

  • At the team level, the Team Head Coach is responsible for deciding and implementing disciplinary measures to individual players or the team.
  • The Team Head Coach will report all incidents involving potential discipline to the Hockey Director within 24 hours.
  • The Team Head Coach will communicate with parents early and often when behavioral issues arise.
  • With respect to game suspensions, the Team Head Coach must contact and consult with the Hockey Director, who will in turn advise the President, and the MMHA Rules & Ethics Committee.


Coaches Shall:

  • Provide a safe and positive environment for players, parents, officials, and spectators.
  • Treat each player as an individual remembering the large range of emotional and physical development that may exist for players on his team.
  • Do their best to organize practices that are instructional and challenging for all players.
  • Instruct players within the laws of the game and within the spirit of the game at all times.
  • Have fun, foster a love for the game, and be a positive role model for their players
  • Impose their own team rules and expectations.

Coaches Shall Not:

  • Argue with referees.
  • Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language.
  • Taunt, bait, ridicule, or threaten (verbally or physically) any player, coach, official, or spectator.
  • Engage in, or tolerate, any behavior or language that is racist, sexist, or contributes to a non-inclusive environment.
  • Make aggressive physical contact with any official, player, or spectator.
  • No coach shall consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during games and practices.
  • Physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally abuse any official, player, or spectator.
  • Send any form of electronic communication (e.g., text, email, private social media message) to a player under 18 without copying his or her parent/guardian.

Disciplinary Action for Coaches:

  • The Hockey Director will investigate all reported or observed violations committed by Team Coaches. The Hockey Director will communicate all issues that come to his attention with the MMHA President.
  • The Hockey Director will have the authority to discipline the Team Coach involved, and with the concurrence of the MMHA Executive Board, to terminate the coach if deemed necessary or appropriate.


Parents/Spectators Shall:

  • Display good sportsmanship, and always respect players, coaches, managers, officials and other parents.
  • Observe the "24 hour" rule. A parent or guardian will wait 24 hours before contacting a coach or other representative to make remarks, complaints, or observations about a concern. A phone call is preferred over email and/or text.

Parents/Spectators Shall Not:

  • Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language directed towards anyone at any time at the rink (including entrances and parking lots or other related facilities) before, during, or after a game.
  • Taunt, bait, ridicule, or threaten (verbally or physically) any player, coach, official, or other spectator.
  • Engage in any behavior or language that is racist, sexist, or contributes to a non-inclusive environment.
  • Approach or enter the home or away locker rooms before, during, or after play. Limited exceptions will be made for parents/guardians of younger teams who may need to assist players with dressing/undressing or for designated, Safesport-trained staff such as team managers.
  • Use recording equipment in the locker rooms of any rink at any time. This includes cameras, video cameras, cell phones or any other media collecting device
  • Throw any object in the spectators' viewing area, players’ bench, or penalty box, or on the ice surface in any manner that could create a safety hazard.
  • Return to an ice facility after being ejected.
  • Engage in or incite fighting or abusive physical contact while participating in any MMHA event (e.g., practice, game, tournament, special event).
  • Bring forward any concern to the Team Coach before 24 hours has passed.
  • Air grievances in the MMHA Crossbar Team Discussion or on Social Media.

Disciplinary Action for Parents/Spectators:

  • If an on-ice official stops gameplay due to the conduct of a parent or spectator, that parent/spectator will be suspended from attending the next scheduled team game.
  • If an on-ice official ejects a parent or spectator from a game, that parent/spectator will be suspended from the team’s next 3 games, in accordance with our policies.
  • Any parent or spectator deemed to be in violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy will be referred to the Rules & Ethics Committee for review and potential discipline.
  • The Rules & Ethics Committee will have the authority to suspend parents or spectators as it deems necessary.
  • Any decision of the Rules & Ethics Committee may be appealed in writing to the MMHA Board. Decisions of the MMHA Board shall be final.
  • USA Hockey strongly recommends that each local youth hockey registered team designate a volunteer to serve as a parent/spectator monitor during all team games. This monitor will, ideally, address inappropriate spectator behavior prior to the situation escalating to the point it has an impact on the game. This designated monitor shall have the full support of the youth hockey association and the arena management to remove any spectator in violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy.


  • Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructive manner at all times. The actions of an official must be above reproach. Actions such as “baiting” or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited.
  • Officials are strongly encouraged to introduce themselves to the coaches prior to the game to establish a basis of mutual respect and to facilitate/define in-game communication.
  • Officials are ambassadors of the game and must always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind.


It is the considered judgment of the Board of Directors of USA Hockey that consumption/use/abuse of mood altering substances is detrimental to a healthy state of mind, body, and spirit in an athletic participant. This is especially true for those participants aspiring to develop their talents in the furtherance of their playing, or coaching, or officiating careers in the sport of ice hockey. Therefore, with the best interests of its participants in mind, USA Hockey prohibits use by any participant of alcohol, tobacco, smoking products or drugs, as these terms are defined below, during participation in its programs as follows:

  1. Zero tolerance for possession or use of drugs by any participant unless participant is currently under a doctor’s care and the medication is required for treatment of an illness or injury; 
  2. Zero tolerance for providing or condoning the use of alcohol, tobacco, smoking products or drugs to or by a minor athlete by a coach, assistant coach, manager, official or any other person who is in a position of authority over that athlete; 
  3. Zero tolerance for being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, smoking products or drugs while supervising minor athletes or while participating in a USA Hockey practice, game or event; and 
  4. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, smoking products or drugs by a participant while participating at a USA Hockey event other than that prohibited by #3 above. 

Violation of this policy shall subject the participant to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or disqualification from membership. Further, USA Hockey hereby recommends that each and all of its teams, associations, programs and affiliates develop and enforce alcohol, tobacco, smoking products and drug abuse policies and practices that are consistent with this policy. 

For purposes of this policy, the word “alcohol” shall include the following:

  1. Intoxicating beverages. 

For purposes of this policy, the words “drug” shall include the following:

  1. Any controlled substances.
  2. Prescription or prescribed controlled substances when used to an excess in violation of doctors orders, or to produce the state of intoxication in the participant. 
  3. Any mood altering or psychoactive substance that produces a state of intoxication in the participant. 

For purposes of this policy, the words “tobacco and smoking products” shall include the following: 

  1. Electronic Smoking Devices are devices that heat a chemical solution into a vapor that is inhaled into the lungs (e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens or other similar devices).
  2. Smokeless Tobacco are tobacco products chewed or snuffed rather than smoked by the user, including dipping tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus or similar tobacco products not used for smoking. 
  3. Tobacco smoking is the use of regular tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, water pipes or other similar tobacco smoking products. 

Further, the word “participant” shall include players, coaches, referees, and all persons involved in the conduct of an ice hockey contest.

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